Artificial intelligence as computer science involves developing computer software to manage and complete tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence by adapting to different situations. Machine learning is technically a branch of AI and is based on the idea that we can build machines to process data and learn on their own, without our constant supervision. The market for AI solutions is expected to reach US $47 billion by 2020 and is one of the hottest trends. The rise of AI has also exceptionally solidified the termsmart home’ controlled by using smart voice assistants, which are prime examples of AI. Advising clients who work in these fields includes facing questions such as: who owns the intellectual property created by AI? Is privacy outdated? Should a machine be given personhood (rights and liabilities) in a same or similar way to that natural and legal persons have? Or, to get very practical: what should I do when burglars have hacked my smart home system and I have been locked out of my apartment? While it’s true that it’ll take a significant time for us to see a perfect AI-powered process or device, steps are already being made by our clients to bring this to the real world, like making it possible for you to have a hologram meeting with your virtual law firm in the future.

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